Idea of my exchange in Semily for a week it came from ski trip with AFS and I was in take care of one volunteer, and he also took me to his school and his class in Semily in the morning before he sent me to train station for me to back to school in Brno. And it gave me an idea,  how would it be if I would be there longer like for the whole day or for a week. And he also agreed with my idea and suppose me. Then I have studied exchange in another town for a week. It was my new great experience and I have got good friends. I started my first class in Gymnazium Ivana Olbrachta, on that day after ski trip, it just 30 minutes and had nothing special. And then 2 months later I went back again and have lot of time to spent and feel and say different between study in City and in small Town. First day some teachers there were surprised that they had new student. And I studied there. For the first day there were nothing much. And when I back home we have did some sausages on fireplace together with family there. Second day I spoke to other new classmates more and more. After school one of classmate, he drove me to home, because he lives in next village. By the way from school back home there are very beautiful views and much different from countryside near Brno. The third day, after school we went a trip to Český Ráj. The fourth day, I had some presentation about Thailand for my class. And it was really nice. And we were free for 3 hours before English conversation, while we waited for class, we went out to the town and had some kebabs for lunch there. Then after school we were back home together by car of one of our classmate. And unluckily petrol in his car is run out during we were on the route back home. So we need to wait for another friend brought us petrol and we could back home safely. The last day, I was a little bit sad that it may the last day to be with them, and we have less classes that day. And we went out have kebabs, Kofola together again. We talked together. After they drove us back home again, they said to me that “ You must back here again” so I must go back there again. And on Saturday family there brought me to a trip in the highest mountain in Czech. And it also my good experience there. So I love this exchange week really much.


Thanathorn (Tontan) Khumcharoen (THAILAND)