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I’m Tonnam Tachawatanawisal. I would like to share my activities and experience.

At school. I love to spend time with my friends to talk in “Czinglish” (Czech + English) Language. I’m really glad when my friends taught me new words, also they modified my Czech language so I can speak more correctly and this is the good way to improve my Czech language skill because I know new words more than in books. We’re talking together in many topics to share our experiences and something new that we should to know. Sometime we play sport together after school because we have 2 tennis court near our school so it’s easily to play. I’m really enjoy when we had school trip together. We visited many places together for example Mladá boleslav, Praha and Weimar (Germany) together.

At home : In every Wednesday, I cook Thai dinner for my family’s dinner. I’m really happy when my parent said “This meal is very good” or “I love this food”. I’m try to create new menu every week foy our dinner. I learn Czech language with family also, they can teach me very good about vocabulary and grammar that I spoke wrong many times. We like to play sport together every week. We’ve played table-tennis (ping pong) , badminton and bowling for many times and in winter we will skiing with family also (After winter I plan to play tennis with friend and running with family more than past). We’ve traveled together in many places for example Praha , Český krumlov and many places near Liberec. Now I’m learning guitar with my host dad after school because he can play guitar very good. I would like to be good in guitar as him!