Gabriela je studentka z Chile, která díky AFS tráví školní rok 2017/18 v České republice, v okrese Praha-západ. Toto o své dosavadní zkušenosti napsala v prosinci (text je pouze anglicky):

I dont know how start to describe this experience, its one experience that give you too much things… for example, start to understand that every person have something for teach you. This exchange for me is the best desicion that i took. I have to say that in the beggining i had my doubts about this, i was afraid of this… but now, i think…  what is best that can live a experience which give you the choice for know you and know other persons that have diferent traditions and points of view, can live situations where you can see the life with other eyes, from other perspective. Today, i can say that i dont want be in other place that if is not here… In this country, in this house, to hundreds of kilometres of my house, living with other family, knowing other customs, learning other language. I have known, tried and done thing that i never think that i will do it. In this time here i had laugh more than any place, i had have a lot fun, i had know places that i never thought. Also i had have moments and situations where i missed so much or where i had to take important decisions, but all this things became me in a person more grateful, more independent and the most important.. Now i am more open mind. If i would have to say to someone something about this, is try, take this risk.. Because this will be the best year of your life!!