Confusion, immagination, happiness, sadness and fear in the same time. These are the emotions that I felt for the first week in the Czech Republic. I am from Italy and I had my flight on August 22 and after a weekend with the other exchage-students, finally I knew my Czech family.

At the beginning I was shy, I did not know what I could do. But then, being a solar, positive and chatterbox girl, I “broke the ice” and we started to speak about what I like doing in my free time, what I like eating and so on. I am a girl who does not mind about food, culture and place where she lives, that is the reason why immediately from the beginning, it has been a pleasure for me to get inside this new country and culture.

I came here and I did not know anything about Czech Republic and even about Czech language. My Czech family welcomed me in a very kind way and now I feel like their daughter. I have two brothers: Honza, who is 17-18 as me and Tomáš, who is 4. I learnt to live with a little child, which is a challenging and funny thing. With my Czech parents I have a really beautiful relationship, I speak about what I want without problems, they listen to me and they help me in case I am in a difficult moment, as it happened. And with my Czech mum, well… It is amazing because she does not have a daughter, so she is glad if we go together shopping and doing some girl´s stuffs together.

I litterary love this family, they treat me as their daughter. Tomáš sees me like “moje sestra”, without minding if I am Italian. Time goes on very fast, I want to see my Italian family but it will be difficult to leave this country because by now my nationality is Czech-Italian and I would not go away from here.

This year, among happy and sad moments, has been and is one of the greatest year in my life, during this year I learnt how to be more indipendent, how to get another culture, how to get in contact with people with a different nationality and I learnt another language. I think that this experience will help me in the future and I think that I will have forever a part of the Czech culture inside of me also when I will be in Italy.

I am glad that Italy is not so far from Czech Republic and so, I will be able to come here again with my Italian family.

I suggest to everybody to go one year abroad, it is an important year and if somebody has economical opportunities, well… GO ABROAD.

I am one of the happiest people in the world thanks to this year here. I have also found an important sentence which means much for me: POZNEJ SÁM SEBE. Know yourself. In this year I learnt many things about myself and my feelings, I felt new emotions.

Vittoria Albizzati, Itálie